Self Responsibility and Intention

Now, we switch roles.

Speaker what was going on for you when you took this action?

  • Speak about yourself. What was up for you, your intentions, motivations, dreams, when this happened?

  • Use feelings and needs to express what matters to you.

  • It will be easier for the listener to hear what’s important to you if you leave off judgments, analysis, and opinions about their behavior, and stay focused on what’s at stake for you.

    If you are using zoom, you can choose to click out of screen share until this expression is complete or stay with these tools.

Listener, thank you for your patience, your presence, and the taking in of this information. Now it is time to reflect or recap what you heard the expresser share. What’s important to them? What were their dreams, needs, values around this topic?

  • Please express these dreams, needs, values as a guess: “It sounds like you…” “I’m guessing you…." “Is it true that…..?”

  • After your reflection, check in with the expresser: “Was that accurate?” “Did I get that right?” “Does that resonate?”

  • And, finally, check in to see if complete understanding has taken place. “Is that complete, or is there more?”

If there is more, repeat the steps above, starting with, “Speaker what else do you want known about what was going on for you when you took this action?”

When the speaker feels fully heard and understood and both people are ready to explore what is needed to move forward, click the button below: